a micro blog

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One of my great ideas to get myself more invested in serious blogging was “Sum Up” posts on The Stop Button. Basically long annotated filmographies, which would undoubtedly drive up readership of related posts. I got a lot of hits on some of the “Sum Up” posts. I never saw anyone click through to the related posts; or, if they did, I didn’t see it based on my monitoring of the stats. I didn’t have Google Analytics for most of that time and Wordpress.com stats suck. Now I do have Google Analytics and I a) don’t want to care about stats anymore and b) don’t want to spend the time learning how to do Google Analytics. I prefer it the olden simple way. I’d prefer it more if the Wordpress.com stats just didn’t suck.

But the “Sum Up” posts were an attempt. And a failed one.

I haven’t found anything I need to formulate to work. What works is writing the blog. Maybe not for readership exactly, but for my writing of the blog. I’ve lost my target audience. Maybe the “have” there is doing too much. I lost my target audience. “Lost” is doing a lot of work. My target audience is gone. I am without my previous target audience. But I’ve been without them for years at this point. Many years.

It sucks.