a micro blog

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Albeit with some conditions

I’m doing a little better with tonight’s post. Well, I was doing a little better when I was starting this post a half hour ago. I’m doing less better now it’s eleven o’clock and and not even a quarter done with the post.

I got my first shot today and was really impressed at the efficiency of it all. Amazing what “We” can do when we put our minds to it. But my arm is getting sore and I’m trying to play some “Assassin’s Creed Valhalla” before I pass out so it’s not the night to long write a micro blog post until I figure what I’m trying to do with it. I made a video today. Took an hour because Final Cut Pro (Trial); I’m going to work on another one over the next few days. I did my Monday project on Sunday, which means I’ve got very little to do tomorrow. Other than the regular stuff. Maybe deal with book donations.

I’ve got a four day weekend (not shot related) and very little planned for it. Possibly a Christopher Lambert movie. Possibly two. Unlikely two. I guess he’s in Ghost Rider 2. I’m working on a whole new movie watchlist system, giving in to the letterboxd, albeit with some conditions. It was getting unmanageable in TaskPaper. I’m not ready to give up on Hog Bay apps; I had to give up on WriteRoom a few years ago and it’s what finally delivered distraction-free plaintext so sticking to TaskPaper is the least I can do.

Because, really, OmniFocus isn’t any better than a bullet journal.