Imagine if the developer who makes Mona/made Spring made an RSS reader

I feel like email clients should be able to auto translate. At least the big ones

I’d translate this by hand (Google) if I could get ahold of it to read.…

Omg. What if Roman talks about Denis V #PartyDown

Party Down is back?!?! #PartyDown…

Most of this cast should just be in a heartwarming family drama. #TheEqualizer

Yeah no great loss you can’t stream this Tom Jones album

Ordered something from Meh and started getting immediate spam. Lol.

I’ll be selling blue check marks for $11.99 a month.

Dead dogs in Star Wars #CunkOnEarth

Having an “I am so smart” moment 🕺

Lol. TN in your thoughts not prayers? #PokerFace

Another episode where Charlie gets played #PokerFace

Counterpoint: giving MCU TV show more spotlight time will… give them more spotlight time

Is the Strain any good?

topgrade updated Brew last night, which took the fun out of the big upgrade

I’m not going to get it but damn I wish they’d bring Rita back for the next Spider-Man movie

Once again, Heidi is 100%…

I feel like Charlie should know her mysteries are all more complicated than she first assumes #PokerFace

This may be Tim Meadows’s best performance #PokerFace

Is the Entertainment Weekly interview with Kevin Fiege supposed to make him sound like K.E.V.I.N.? Because it does

i resent vaguely enjoying the flash trailer

Wow. The NY governor sabotaged right-to-repair AND anti-enforced Christianity

#HarleyQuinn is the perfect binge show.

Trying to get to bed so i can watch some #HarleyQuinn before sleep