I think I've figured out my post-Twitter setup. I've still got Twitter (it's still the place to hang out with online-first buds), albeit we're all long since locked, but I've been very slowly unfollowing my non-mutuals and instead making a mega-list.

Spring still works (I haven’t tried Tweetbot), and it's got an excellent interface for just reading tweets from a list. But Feedbin can pull in Twitter lists too, so I could even read them there. (NetNewsWire also does it, I read today).

My Twitter posting had been falling throughout 2022 (2022 sucked, and talking about it public-facing wasn't going to help), but I didn't want to lock down in case I needed to shitmouth Comcast or something. For all the good it does.

Anyway. Mastodon ("Oh, Not Ay" would be my Mastodon client app name). I'm just not feeling it. Maybe if my Twitter buds head over, but they haven't. And scrolling Mastodon (the Mona Beta--from the Spring developer--is aces) is doomscrolling the end of the world (and the end of Twitter), only with almost everyone retweeting from Twitter. It's like Meta-Twitter.

No thanks. With the maybe someday asterisk.

For now, once again, I'm going to try using micro.blog for the non-media blogging missives. I also need somewhere to show off all the AI art I've been paying a strange computer to make for me. If all goes right, it'll cross-post to Mastodon. But, really, I need to get some posts up so I can figure out how to link it on The Stop Button homepage. #crashtestdummies